Sailing in fog

So, what to do and not to do in fog/mist:
When fog is approaching or going out in fog. (Any further contributions to this check list will be appreciated. Please send it to [email protected])
- Check where you are by taking bearings
- Plot the ships position
- Lay a safe course
- Hoist the radar reflector
- Put on lifejackets and maybe tow the dinghy (in case you are run down)
- Post look-outs to listen and look (turn off engine occasionally)
- Try to keep out of shipping lanes by heading for shallow water
- Use foghorn every 2 minutes
- (under sail : one long two short))
- (under power : one long)
- Use every electronic device you have to maintain good position on chart
I also got the following information from Cape Town Port Control
- Port Control will not stop you from leaving the harbour, because they wil not override a ship’s captain’s decision to sail or not to sail.
- They will also assist you if you want to know of any boats’ movement in the harbour area and area which are covered by their radar.
- To avoid boats on anchor outside the harbour, you can also ask for the positions of those ships.
- Ships on anchor must make a sound when anchored outside the harbour and if not you can call Port Control to report them.
- Port Control are more than willing to give advice if you need any.
Pictures of my visit to Port Control on Saturday 30th May 2009