SAS75 Celebration – Langebaan

All boat owners and crews met for a breakfast briefing with far more gees than experience. Thank goodness for Heidi and her years of experience to keep us going in the same direction(most of the time) over the radio. With a solid 30 kts the sail wasn’t without its fair bit of drama, a few unplanned 360s and a couple of groundings around kraal bay just made the beer taste sweeter. 

With a windy anchorage, 3 H23s used its unique design features to their advantage and stern-to-moored on the beach (with not a breath of wind). To avoid the wind howling in the anchorage and the sponsored red wine flowing(thank you SBYC) the plan was formed to set the braais up on the beach. With guitars, harmonica, and plenty of boat talk, the evening flew past with a blur of laughter, singing, and stories… just the way an H23 event should be!

The next morning was not an early one, but started as it should, with a swim in the warm crystal clear water at Kraal bay followed by a beautiful downwind sail back to our respective ports.

By Darian Liprini. Photo’s: Saskia Stemmett

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