FAQ General
This page last updated 23 December 2009
I would like to fly an asymmetrical spinnaker. To this end, a bowsprit needs to be fitted. Has anyone done this before? I have a spinnaker and use it, but it is a handful if you are only two on the boat. As such, I think an asymmetrical will be the option. Your experience and views will be appreciated.
I used to fly an asymmetrical spinnaker on my last yacht, admittedly not a H23, but did not have a bowsprit.
Just clipped it onto the bottom of the forestay. Used a snuffer to bag it. In my opinion only way to fly a spinnaker short handed.
Why do you need a bowsprit?
I am no expert, but I believe that an asymmetrical spinnaker is only an option on a boat with high hull speed. As a boat goes faster, so its apparent wind angle moves ever further forwards, so that eventually, it is close-hauled no matter what the direction of the wind. Asymmetricals were developed to allow these very fast boats to make efficient use of wind while close reaching, because in effect they are never going ‘downwind’ as such. In my opinion, on a relatively slow boat like a Holiday 23, an asymmetrical won’t replace a regular symmetrical spinnaker when reaching or going downwind, but I suppose it could be an option when heading into the wind in certain wind strengths.
Flying a spinnaker is very much nightmare for me. I had my boat now for 15 years and I only had a spinnaker since Feb last year. I think I used it about 3 times. The last time I used it was in March this year when I sailed to Port Owen for the Easter Fun Worlds. On our way to Dassen Island I hoisted it and it was amazing what extra boat speed I got. With only the main we averaged 2.8 knots but with the spinnaker we sailed just under 5 knots. The second day from Dassen to Port Owen I hoisted it again, we were in a “confused” sea and I had to be careful not to fall off the foredeck. I use a snuffer and when I have it up eventually I discovered that I switched the clues (or what ever you call the ends where you tie your sheets on).
My problem was that it was chafing against the forestay even if I release the tension on the sheets. I also had difficulty in bringing the snuffer down as well as when raising it, it was twisted at the top. What am I doing wrong?
You are using a snuffer. It is a terrible thing! I gave mine away after trying it a couple of times. Put the spinnaker in a bag where you can see all the clews and the head. (This is on an Atlantis 36 though).
18th April 2009Hi CoenieMy mast is currently down and I was able to measure the bottom pin as 110mm x 12mm diameter. Please feel free to add my name to your owners list with contact details as below. My H23 is called Why Knot with sail number 114. I am busy re-locating the boat to Bayshore Marina on the Vaaldam.Regards
Paul van der Walt
10th March 2009
From Budgie Burgers:
I absolutely concur with Helmut on the stability of our Holidays. Christelle and myself have done many a trip out into the deep briny and sometimes with 4-5 M swells running and a good blow of 30 to 35 kts. Admittedly we have used one reef on the main and about 70% of the Gennie, but this little (big) boat does one proud. She handles the rough conditions so well, one is inclined to push her to the limits. (Are there any?). She refuses to get her mast further than about 45 degrees as she weathercocks before she nears “dipping” time.
If you have a deepened rudder then she will probably heel a bit further, but if not, no way. Believe me I would sail her to St Helena if she had enough space for water and food. Safe and very strong is the Holiday. My advice to Kobus is buy one!!!!! He will not look back.
6th March 2009
Hi Kobus,
I can only agree whole heatedly with Coenie in that you should buy the boat and go sailing.
I sailed my Holiday on the West Coast Cruise 2005 from Cape Town to Saldana Bay in a rising South Easterly blowing in the upper 30kt.
Since I was single handing with no auto helm I had to sail as long as possible with one sail setting. The boat decided for me when the reefing was due and duely broached and left me in a hove to position which gave me the opportunity to reef the main. This happened twice. As many reefs in the sail.
With a 2/3rd reduced genoa and the second reef in the sail I read 11.9 kts on my GPS when I was brave enough to look at it. Just to give you an idea of the conditions. When I entered Saldana bay I was hit by a gust that layed the boat beyond 45degr. I then took the main down and carried on with a handkerchief of genoa. I sailed into the bay and moored at Saldana Bay Yacht Club. I learned from the harbour control later that the wind was up to 48kts. At no time during this trip did I feel insecure or worried.
The next leg of the trip was similar and the boat handled this with no problem . There were another four H23 on the second leg to Port Owen.
There are a number of people who have sailed their H23 in the Cape area and I am sure all of them are as convinced as I am about the H23’s capability.
Coenie could maybe convince one of the members of the association to do a capsize test. Some European yacht magazines do this to establish the righting moment of trailer boats and recommend a minimum righting force on the mast top of 60kg when the boat is in horizontal position. They do this by securing the boat bow and stern and then pulling the mast top down to a jetty where they use a spring scale to measure the force. I personally having experienced the Holidays stability would not waste my time with this exercise.
As Coenie was saying, get the boat you will not regret it. She is awesome!!
25th February 2009
I am interested in buying a Holiday 23 yacht and hope you can help me with some information about the sailboat. I am interested in the Righting moment curves and information on sailing in rough sea / weather.
I hope you can help me.
Someone has stolen my rudder and tiller – the whole cabang. You guys have the molds etc. Any chance of getting a new one made. Price??
Andre ten Krooden
24 Feb 2009
Problem solved!
Managed to get one made at Manten Marina
Details of Manten Marina
They are in Deneysville in Gauteng on the Vaal Dam
Dickie Manten or Kathy Manten
Tel: 016 – 371 1301
Fax: 016 – 371 1157
29th October 2008
Adrian Holmes
Do you perhaps know of anyone that could do a little refit on my boat?
have a crack on the deck alongside the mast and would like to have my tabernacle replaced along with the keel knock sorted out
[email protected] & [email protected]
The slip available at Gordon’s bay. My solution for the problem, it looks top heavy but is very stable with keel giving a low centre of gravity.
My Holiday 23’s home port is Gordon’s Bay. My problem was anti fouling. I did not want to take the chance to let it stand on its keel. The keel casing and bolt may by strong enough but the risk of structural damage was the one I did not want to take. Gordon’s Bay Harbour does not have a lift. Simon’s Town is the closest but then I will have to wait for the right weather window and if bad weather is against you, you may lose your reservation with their lift. So we, me and my brother, we put our heads together and decided to build a “dolly”. We experimented with a single axle at first but that would not work. It tilted over at the back as soon as we started to pull it out on the slip. The solution was a double axle. We have used it frequently for the passed 5 or 7 years and even pulled out a Theta 26′ on it with no problems. Feel free to contact me if you want to use it or build yourself one. ([email protected]).